I have a papillon that is 12 years old and approximately 6.5-6.75 lbs. He stopped eating his regular dog food (dry) all of a sudden in February/March and was lethargic. I took him in to our vet for a senior check up. Tests showed nothing except a slightly low red blood cell count. He was given a steroid and antibiotic in case of an infection somewhere. I tried many different foods with him maintaining a period of time with the Small breed, High Protein Chicken Fresh Pet roll. Now, to feed him….some days he needs hand fed, some days he’ll eat it off of the plate, sometimes he needs it thrown on the floor. For added appeal, I sometimes add Canidae wet dog food (mainly duck or lamb). This week we are sliding backwards. No appetite, turns his head, but is alert. He also seems to have dryer stool and has thrown up a bile looking vomit twice this week. Our vet is Dr. Ferguson at Baker’s Animal Hospital. I get the feeling that the staff feel that Brady is just old, but they printed his history for me to take to Columbus. If I make an appointment, do you think you may be able to solve the mystery or is it better just to take him to Columbus? I really appreciate any help you can give!